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Let’s Work Together
Will to Change Lives

Support Pratt International Outreach Ministry in its efforts to improve the lives of underprivileged people.


Let’s Work Together
Will to Change Lives

Support Pratt International Outreach Ministry in its efforts to improve the lives of underprivileged people.


Let’s Work Together
Will to Change Lives

Support Pratt International Outreach Ministry in its efforts to improve the lives of underprivileged people.

Pratt International Outreach Ministry Services

Pratt International Outreach Ministry is a non profit organization in florida that aims to do God’s work on earth by helping those in need. Our activities revolve around improving the standards of living of the most underprivileged groups of society to help them lead decent and rewarding lives. With the support of our donors and volunteers, we aim to enhance access to education, healthcare, food, shelter and clothing so that individuals can be saved from a life of poverty, crime, and unfulfillment.

At Pratt International Outreach Ministry, we help individuals connect with different resources to help improve their living standards. From taking care of the impoverished households to putting roof over the heads of the homeless, our efforts are aimed at ridding individuals of problems that prevent them from living satisfying lives.

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About Pratt

International Outreach Ministry

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”
-Matthew 25:35

Pratt International Outreach Ministry is a non-profit  a 501 c3 organization that aims to do God’s work on earth by helping those in need. Our activities revolve around improving the standards of living of the most underprivileged groups of society to help them lead decent and rewarding lives. With the support of our donors and volunteers, we aim to enhance access to education, healthcare, food, shelter and clothing so that individuals can be saved from a life of poverty, crime, and unfulfillment.

Let’s Embrace the
Beauty of Kindness


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